Belen Bodysuit Sew Along: Sleeves


This blog post is an addition to the Belen Bodysuit PDF pattern that can be purchased in my web shop. The photos and explanations will guide you through making the long sleeve version of the Belen Bodysuit.

Fold the sleeves right sides facing each oth-er matching up the sideseams. Sew together along the sideseam with a zigzag stitch (1.5 cm / 5/8” seam allowance). Press the seam open and repeat for the other sleeve.


Turn your sleeves out to the right side, and your bodysuit top to the wrong side (so the lining is facing you). Slip one of the sleeves into one of the armholes.

Match up the sleeve center notch and the shoulder seam and pin carefully and fre-quently!


Carefully sew the sleeve on, mak-ing sure to catch all three layers of fabric (1.5 cm / 5/8” seam allowance). Press the seam towards the sleeve. Do the same for the other sleeve.


Fold over the sleeve cuffs by 1.5 cm / 5/8”. Press and secure with sewing pins. Finish with a zigzag stitch.


Well done girl, these sleeves were a real challange. From now on it is all smooth sailing! In the next blog post I will show you how to sew the bottom half of the bodysuit.

The fabrics I used to sew up this bodysuit are kindly gifted from A+R Fabrics. Trin has opened up her online fabric shop this year and is stocking the most amazing fabrics, go check it out!
